5 Reasons Dance Classes Are the Ultimate for Mind and Body

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Dance has long been the intuitive mode of expression for all the celebratory moments of our lives. But if you’re not also treating it as a serious workout, read on. With an abundance of physical, mental, and emotional benefits, online dance classes may be the best thing you can do for your body (Time’s words, not ours)—and that’s whether you’re just finding your rhythm or Beyoncé’s-backup-dancer ready.

Here, our all-star dance cardio pros Kathryn A. (former captain of the Brooklynettes Dance Team!) and Peter T. share all the reasons to start adding dance workouts into your exercise regimen—and the key distinctions between the obé dance class types.

1. Dance Workouts Are Fun (and Pump Your Endorphins)

Let’s start with the obvious: Nothing’s beats an all in, full out dance sesh. “Dancing makes me feel free! I love it because it feels like I’m jumping around for joy—like I did as a child,” says Kathryn. “For me, that is key for my everyday well-being. It’s simply about enjoying our beautiful bodies and leaving feeling better than when we started.”

Whatever your mood, you can mix it up with different soundtracks, tempos, outfits (to dress for the part)—and did we mention heels? Plus, you can infuse the choreography with your personality (or at least, fierce facial expressions) in a way a traditional HIIT class could never touch. (Remember: No mistakes, only solos!)

There’s also a powerful, proven link between dance and music that dials up the feel-good vibes. Turns out, those upbeat jams activate your brain’s reward centers—and are the reason why dance workouts flood you with more stress-busting endorphins than any other mode of exercise. No wonder a neuroscientist from Columbia University has even called dance a “pleasure double play” (cue: dancing the night away).

2. Online Dance Classes Are Beginner-Friendly (Really!)

Nervous that you may have two left feet? Take a chance and let your body move to the music. “Absolutely 100% of people can benefit from dance,” says Peter.

For the record, you don’t need years of dance technique under your belt to rock your very first online dance class. Not only do our expert instructors cheer you on and break down every move in our beginner-level classes—but the more you practice, the better you get. Peter’s classes, for instance, “give you the blueprint to build a house with a solid foundation. You can stay there, or add on all the extras as we go along,” he says.

Even if you’re intimidated, taking a dance class might be just what you need: “I often hear that people are nervous or scared to try dance classes, but that’s a signal it’s the perfect class for you!” Kathryn adds. “Dance benefits all people in their training goals, because we all need to get our heart pumping for 30 minutes at least three times a week.”

As for the dance fanatics who are ready to challenge themselves (shoutout to Mary W.’s #DanceTeam)? There’s no end to the routines you can learn (and make your own) with our advanced-level options.

3. Dance Classes Come in Many Forms

High impact or low impact, choreography- or cardio-based, Broadway-inspired or hip-hop-vibes-only—our online dance classes come in endless varieties and are always no-equipment-required (so you can bust a move, anytime, anywhere).

At obé, you can always choose between Dance Cardio, where you’ll follow choreography and keep your heart rate elevated for the entire workout, or Dance HIIT, which combines low-intensity dance moves with HIIT-style circuits to vary your heart rate.

“Dance Cardio may include a combo that is more challenging to the brain,” explains Kathryn, “while Dance HIIT may include moves that are more challenging to the body.” (And for the bold, there’s also the option to get into the groove on a mini-trampoline, à la our Bounce Dance classes.)

You’ll find even more variety from the unique flavors each of our Dance instructors adds to their classes—from fabulous musical-theater-esque combos, to spicy, explosive Dance HIIT pairings, Radio City Rockette moves, and plenty of routines for mommas-to-be.

4. Dancing Is Great For Your Body

A physically demanding workout and calorie-torcher (a study from UK’s University of Brighton shows it meets or exceeds the energy expended on an easy run or swim of the same duration), dance is the ultimate full-body workout.

“Sometimes in fitness, the lower and upper body are considered to be separate and worked out like so,” explains Peter. “Dance allows both hemispheres to work together via the core—with a little or a lot of sass.” The result? Every shimmy, spin, grapevine, hip sway, and twerk puts a whole network of often overlooked supporting muscles and tendons to serious work.

With consistent practice, you can expect a major boost to your cardio endurance, heart healthbone mass, muscle tone (and strength!), flexibility, stamina, balance, and proprioceptive awareness—just to name a few perks. And, as one of the most effective workouts you can try, experts say it can even make you a better overall athlete.

5. …And Your Mind

There’s a good reason why dance therapy is a thing (and why some therapists have been prescribing it for decades, particularly for depression). Equal parts mental workout and emotional catharsis, dance can also open a gateway to a happier mind—and even boost your brain health.

According to one study, dancing is the only form of exercise that has been proven to lower your risk of dementia. Since it requires you to focus and recall routines, it helps create new neural connections in the brain, keeping your memory razor-sharp (enter all those TikTok dances).

From elevating your mood, confidence, self-esteem, and creativity—online dance classes also help us embrace ourselves as we are. “Dancing allows us to put our emotions in motion,” echoes Peter. “Whatever you’re going through—you get to channel that.”

“I like to imagine that every dance class helps us shake out the thoughts and moods that aren’t serving us, and exchange it for those that do,” adds Kathryn. “Often we need permission to truly let go, and dance class offers that. When we move with our bodies in a way that genuinely feels good, we build confidence in the skin we are in, learning to trust and flow with where we are presently.”

Or, as Peter likes to say: “It’s the most fabulous movement medicine you can give yourself.”

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  • Kseniya Sovenko

    A former pro ballroom dancer, Kseniya began her fitness journey at age 5. Over the years, she’s supplemented her training with everything in the boutique fitness scene—from vigorous Bikram Yoga and Pilates reformer classes to weekly HIIT, Metcon, and Tabata workouts, Muay Thai, strength training, and more. Kseniya graduated from the University of Washington with degrees in journalism and sociology. You can find her work in The Guardian, Capitol Hill Times, The Seattle Globalist, and more.


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