active recovery

  • Flexibility vs. Mobility: Which One Matters More?

    Flexibility vs. Mobility: Which One Matters More?

    Fitness trends often lean into the “more is more” mentality (usually to sell you something!). As sports science advances, we’re learning that burnout is real—and that moderation is the key to longevity. No matter where one finds themselves in their fitness journey, developing more flexibility and mobility is a common underlying goal. Understanding flexibility vs.…

  • The Dos and Dont’s of Working Out With an Injury

    The Dos and Dont’s of Working Out With an Injury

    Treating an injury can be as simple as putting a bandaid on a boo-boo or as complex as multiple trips to the hospital. In the fitness world, most injuries are related to joint health and muscle function, with most treatment methods usually looking something like an ice pack and time off. But what exactly are…

  • Active Recovery—Why It Can Matter More Than Your Workout

    Active Recovery—Why It Can Matter More Than Your Workout

    When it comes to fitness, there’s one thing a lot of us get wrong. If you’re looking to see and feel results (think: changing your body composition, being able to lift heavier, running faster for longer), the work isn’t in the workout. It’s in the active recovery. Wait a minute—what? Doesn’t our fitness progress stem…

  • When to Take a Rest Day—and When to Push Through

    When to Take a Rest Day—and When to Push Through

    What’s the difference between feeling sore (in a good way) and needing to take a break? What are the red flags you just need a rest day, or is something else going on? And finally, what are the best ways to rest up and recover, so you can get back to obé, your way?