3 Ways to Keep Your Nutrition on Point While Training

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So you’re doing one of our new training programs—BodyComp or the Gym Strong. You want to see results, so you’re working hard, training smart, and following the schedule for your on and off days. Kudos—you’re crushing it! But there’s one final piece of the puzzle: Your nutrition.

What’s on your plate plays a powerful part in this (or any) training plan, instructor Kat E., who designed the Gym Strong and is a Precision Nutrition-certified nutrition coach. Your nutrition (including your hydration!) is paramount to get right if you want to see the best results possible and make the most of this program. Below, Kat shares three keys to eating, and drinking, your way to the results you want.

For more advice on pre- and post-workout nutrition, read this.

1. Prioritize high-quality protein intake.

Eating enough protein (the right kind) will be a game changer as you work through any strength training program, Kat says: “It’s a simple focus that has a number of exponential effects.”

For starters, protein actually helps your muscles recover and grow stronger. “When you follow a strength training program like this, you’re damaging your muscle fibers as you work out, so you need protein to help them grow back stronger,” she explains. You’ll also feel a lot less sore if you’re eating enough protein, which is a godsend on a progressive training program like this that’s taxing to your muscles.

Finally, high-quality protein also helps improve satiety, thanks to its nutrient density and only 4 calories per gram. Translation: You’ll feel a lot fuller when you focus on eating more high-quality protein and less sugar or empty carbs.

So, how much high-quality protein is enough? “I recommend one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight,” Kat says. “It might be hard to get to that exact amount, but even if you aim for that amount, you’ll begin to reap the benefits, and you’ll feel more satiated without feeling deprived in any way.”

Examples of high-quality protein sources include:

  • Grass-fed beef
  • Chicken
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Ground turkey or chicken
  • White fish like cod or tilapia
  • Protein powder (more on that below)
  • Vegans or vegetarian can focus on sources like beans, lentils, or tofu

2. Supplement nutrition smartly.

We’re not going to get too technical here, but there are a few basic supplements that Kat recommends to improve your recovery and max your results. First, she suggests having a high-quality protein powder on hand—either whey or a plant-based protein if you prefer. Mix a scoop with water within an hour or two of training to help up your protein intake and help improve your recovery.

The second supplement that Kat suggests: “Magnesium, specifically magnesium glycinate, can have a really big effect on your recovery.” Taking it at night can not only reduce muscle soreness, but also help you sleep better at night!

3. Drink up!

Staying hydrated is incredibly important while training—and all too often overlooked. Obviously, you’ll want to drink enough water as step number one (here’s exactly how much H2O you should aim for!), but you’ll also want to make sure you’re adding in some electrolytes. Basically, adding in electrolytes helps your body bring water into your muscles so it’s transported to where it needs to go, Kat explains.

No expensive bottled drinks needed, though: “You can simply add a dash of pink Himalayan salt in your water, which provides potassium and sodium, two important electrolytes—and it’s way better for you than a sugar sports drink,” Kat notes. If you prefer to buy some electrolyte drinks or tablets, just make sure you don’t go for one with extra sugars. (We like Nuun or Liquid I.V.!)

For more recovery tips and tricks from our instructors, read this.

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  • Locke Hughes

    Locke is a passionate health and wellness writer who has contributed to a range of print and digital publications including HuffPost, NBC News, Oprah Magazine, Women’s Health, Shape, SELF, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global Greatist, Thrillist, and more.


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